Sunday, September 27, 2009

NS life.. Final Part

*continuation of previous posts*

Here are some extra pics I wanna share with you guys ^^
Enjoy! :D


Besides Kenegaraan, Integrasi and Pembinaan Karakter classes, we have Buddhist class.

the guys and the girls.. "meditating"

leon, mei, cai xuan and me

Sad day for us because Cai Xuan was leaving camp soon..

group pics ^^

that day we formed a circle and sang few songs..

karaoke in the class.. haha


that day, Misha was leaving camp.. (the one with tudung)

pic of Alpha girls!! (except cameragirl.. Leon)

Ghost of dorm P1 :p

Alpha girl's dorm in MESSY mode!

Chatting in front of koperasi that sells food, drinks and sundries..
sweet memories =)

we love cherry.. haha
kinda lesbo-ish pic..

singing "Kami Dari Helang"

" Kami dari kompeni Alpha,
datang ke sini untuk bersorak,
buat gempak dalam kumpulan,
siapa berani, marilah lawan.

Kami dari Helang, Helang x2

Kami remaja, paling cemerlang,
gemilang dan terbilang,
kami bersatu hadapi rintangan,
terus berjuang sahut cabaran.

Kami dari Helang, Helang x2 "

This song was created by the guy on the pic above ^^
its our company's song =)

Eternal love - Zhi Wei, Choon Mei, Leon and me!
my favorite pic among all others ^^


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